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“No human investigation can be called real science if it cannot be demonstrated mathematically.”

— Leonardo da Vinci

Minh Nguyen's Publications

Key Publications
Full List of Publications 

You can find a full list of my publications (about 100)  listed by Math Review by clicking on the link below (you need to have access to Math Review)

Publications by Nguyen Van Minh


You can see a list of my publications at ORCID

Here is the link in MathScinet to the most updated series of my papers in Journal of Differential Equations.  (You should have access to MathScinet to see it).

See also the list here for JDE papers until 10/2023.

Some publications in Biology jointly with my collaborators can be found at the page
Stem Center in "Research Blog"

You can see how my publications are cited either in Google Scholar or Math Review (note that some may be still be missing, and some may be duplicated)

Here is the list of my publications at Zentralblatt in MATH

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